Maia mactas
Professional Practitioner, The Reconnection Professional Practitioner, Mentor in training
My name is Maia Mactas, I am Spanish and I have been living in Argentina since I was 5 years old. I was a professional horsewoman for many years, then I became a mother of two daughters and I dedicated myself to study a degree in Public Politic Management and also Medical and Scientific Dissemination at Pompeu Fabra University. I worked in the media and specialized in health issues. However, I was moving away from traditional medicine, making my own path of healing.
At this moment, and a few years ago, I dedicate myself to energy therapies, and to my own spiritual path. My personal reconnection, and the reconnective healing sessions I received, as well as doing them for others, take me deeper and deeper into my awareness of oneness from the heart, from the infinite love that sustains our lives, and to look with compassion at the world. I also make music, play bass and sing. My purpose is to be a channel for the infinite love that is behind the veil, that hidden power in our hearts, to reach other hearts and choose as I do, to heal themselves.
Spoken Languages:
Spanish, eNGLISH and french