All my life I have felt that my hands are some source of energy and I have desired to help people to become healthy and happy. Science fascinated me during school time, so I studied chemistry and after finishing my studies I worked for many years in the pharmaceutical industry. After this period of time I decided to dedicate myself entirely to helping people to restore balance and harmony in their life on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels.
One day I discovered in the praxis of a medical doctor his Reconnective Healing Foundational Practitioner Certificate. I searched for information about it and I began my discovery journey. I absolved the courses in order to be Reconnective Healing and the Reconnection certified Practitioner. The next step was the Mentor Training. I became authorized to held presentations and to support practitioners. According to my experiences the Reconnective Healing® frequencies help to gain more self-confidence, relationships improve and living life is easier. Being a classical singer, I experienced after years of stagnation huge progression in my voice condition and as a result my joy and satisfaction increased. In order I become approved to teach Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection, I decided for the next step, for organising with the Reconnective Academy International Reconnective Healing & Reconnection seminars in Budapest (Hungary) and in Switzerland, where I have been living.
Everybody can learn Reconnective Healing. It is so easy and it is so effective. I just wondering and I am grateful when I see happy people after the Reconnective Healing sessions and after they participated the Reconnective Healing Seminar. I would like to pass on this great gift to all who want to change life and want to live in love and with the feeling of abundance.