Sanjica Sara Radetić

Professional Practitioner, The Reconnection Professional Practitioner, Mentor


Sanjica Sara Radetić was born in Poreč, Croatia, where she is currently living. From young age, she was passionate about music, teaching and helping others. Sara has a Master’s Degree from the Academy of Music in Zagreb and became a teacher. After years of teaching, she became a principal of Art School Poreč. 

Besides that, she has an interest in psychology, spirituality and communication. Sara has been studying and learning about many different fields of personal and professional development.

In 2012 Sara had a major turning point where she discovered reconnection which completely changed her life and brought her love, health, complete balance and personal growth. Sara got rid of the fears she had since childhood. This brought her gratitude and indescribable feelings of freedom and faith in life. Because of her desire to provide the same feeling to others, Sara has finished all three levels for a practitioner of reconnective healing and reconnection with Dr. Eric Pearl. Sara has opened her business SPIRIT and since then she has been providing individual  sessions, online and in person in Poreč. 

Her purpose and joy in life is and always will be to teach and help others so she is always happy to share her knowledge, skills and assist others to live healthier and better lives.



Sanjica Sara Radetić rođena je u Poreču, Hrvatska, gdje trenutno živi. Od malih nogu bila je strastvena prema glazbi, podučavanju i pomaganju drugima. Magistrirala je na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu te stekla zvanje Magistra glazbene pedagogije. Nakon godina pedagoškog rada postaje ravnateljica Pučkog otvorenog učilišta Poreč i Umjetničke škole Poreč. 

Osim toga, Saru cijeli život zanima psihologija, duhovnost i iscjeljivanje. Proučavala je i učila o mnogim različitim područjima osobnog i profesionalnog razvoja.

2012. Sara je imala veliku prekretnicu kada je otkrila rekonekciju koja joj je u potpunosti promijenila život i donijela joj ljubav, zdravlje, balans i osobni rast. Riješila se strahova koje je imala od djetinjstva. Rekonekcija joj je donijela zahvalnost i neopisiv osjećaj slobode, vjere i životne radosti. Zbog želje da isti osjećaj pruži drugima, Sara je završila sva tri stupnja za praktičara rekonektivnog iscjeljivanja i rekonekcije kod dr. Erica Pearla. Sanjica je otvorila svoj obrt SPIRIT i od tada pruža individualne sesije na daljinu i osobno u Poreču. 

Njezina svrha i radost u životu jest i uvijek će biti poučavanje i pomaganje drugima pa uvijek rado dijeli svoje znanje i vještine te pomaže drugima da žive zdravije i bolje.

Spoken Languages:

Serbian, English

Contact Olja to book a session or for more informations: