
Professional Practitioner, The Reconnection Professional Practitioner, Mentor


Cristina Corrieri has a Master Degree in Piano, in Composition, in Orchestral Conducting and in Choir Conducting. She also achieved a Certificate of Advanced Studies in Ensemble Conducting for Contemporary Repertoire (Conservatorio della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano), a Master in Sonological-Cognitive Musicotherapy (Cà Foscari University, Venice) and is currently enrolled in a Master in Contemplative Studies (University of Padua). Conductor of a polyphonic choir from 2006 until 2009, she has been working since 2010 as an orchestral conductor. At the guidance of Ensemble Imaginaire (on period instruments) she recorded two CDs both released by Brilliant Classics. Cristina is also an Aikido Instructor (3° Dan), she is trained in ECEL (Empathic Care of the End of Life) as an operator and tutor, and in training as a teacher (Università Popolare In Corde Scientia, Turin).

Lastly, she is a Reconnective Healing and Reconnection Certified practitioner and Mentor.

Spoken Languages:


Contact Cristina to book a session or for more informations: