O.N.E. Experience Porto 2022 Special Edition in English – Guest Star Eric & Jillian


Oporto Special Edition

Dr. Eric Pearl & Jillian Fleer in Europe. 

May, 28th & 29th, 2022


This Special Edition of the program gathers a large team of Worldwide Recognised International Instructors of Reconnective Healing and Personal Reconnection:

Cristina Ramalho, Carlos Velez, Caroline Lagouge, Svemir Kovak, Emanuela Pastori Stocchi, Andra Ivanov, Sara Janssen and the special guest Gabriele Bressem;

with the founder and president of the Academy and also Co-Director of The Reconnection, Guglielmo Poli;

the Head of Insight and Developement of The Reconnection Jillian Fleer

and Dr. Eric Pearl, the founder of THE RECONNECTION.


THE IMMERSION WEEKEND OF RECONNECTIVE HEALING® will be held in OPORTOPORTUGAL, at Hotel Ipanema Parkin English, on May, 28th and 29th, 2022.

You can now make your registration that allows you to enhance your interaction with these frequencies! 

By registering for O.N.E. Experience, you will receive your access to the Portal, Level I Online in a few days, and you can start this journey anytime, anywhere.

If you are a practitioner already, search for the ALUMNI price and join us in this beautiful celebration with the presence of the Founder of The Reconnection!

If you already have Level I, look for The Catalyst Price!

Join us with all the European Instructors, Jillian Fleer and Dr. Eric Pearl, experiencing the frequencies together!

O.N.E. Experience 

Oporto Special Edition includes:

Level I – Online Essentials – The Portal 


Level II – Live Immersion Weekend – The Catalyst


– Online Essentials – the Level I Reconnective Healing® Online Course – Level I, consisting of eight carefully designed, short, easy-to-follow short videos presented by Dr. Eric Pearl and Co-Instructor Jillian Fleer. Here you will follow simple exercises that will help you discover your own direct interaction with this Intelligence that communicates through the Reconnective Healing frequencies.

– The Inner Compass – (Healing and Deserving & Love and Deserving) – Eighty minutes of questions and concepts based on provocative thoughts, encapsulating a single theme into four short segments. Continue your personal discovery with special workbooks designed specifically for each of the four segments.

– Teleclass with Dr. Eric Pearl and Jillian Fleer – Half an hour of intimate conversation with Dr. Eric Pearl, Jillian Fleer and a group of fellow Portal travelers. Ask questions about online courses and share your own findings. Expand your understanding by receiving the latest discoveries from Eric and Jillian.

After completing your Level I Online – The Portal – we invite you to participate in the Reconnective Healing® Immersion Weekend Event – The Catalyst.

We have a venue with more than 360m2, allowing us to follow all the rules needed today.

We also made a Contingengy Plan that we invite you to read. 

In this live event you will become more aware of the accelerated presence of evolution in all areas of your life. You will recognize and discover your mastery in your relationship with this Reconnective Healing® Frequency Intelligence. During the two days of the Live Immersion program, you will be guided to focus your attention on Reconnective Healing® frequencies, and you will probably begin to notice them in your hands, on your body, or feel more intensely , expanding your perception.

This Immersion is usually a place of intriguing and curious explorations and discoveries, where revelations are propitious, as well as an accelerated understanding and integration of all this fantastic process, with  the precious possibility of sharing with other human beings who also seek to expand. Our in-person event will fuel new revelations  with Reconnective Healing® Intelligence where you are the conductor and YOU are the catalyst for yourself as well as for everyone and everything in your life. Together we will bring you the most powerful Catalytic Spark in you and root a magnificent and coherent inspiration of evolution, transforming your life forever, transforming humanity and our planet!


– Access the field of energy, light and information around us

– Facilitates, within the course itself, a professional session of Reconnective Healing®

– Learn to speak properly in public about your new activity and passion

– Get all the tools you need to start your clinic

– Learn how to incorporate this work to expand the audience in your health center or wellness profession.

– Learn marketing strategies to build your initial clientele

– Information about distant sessions and self-session

– Know how to do holographic sessions

– Insights on science and philosophy

You will learn how to facilitate distance and holographic sessions, participate in the art of receiving and the experience of facilitating Reconnective Healing® sessions, and explore the science and philosophy that accompanies these frequencies. This unforgettable life experience emphasizes your mastery in this work, and includes extensive hands-on modules – with time focused on the tables where you will dive, become coherent, and transform yourself powerfully with the other participants. This greatly increases your awareness, taking greater esteem in yourself, releasing fears and limitations, and learning to manage your life in its proper flow.

Whether you are looking for an opportunity for accelerated expansion in your personal life, or want to go further and become a Foundational Practitioner, this spectacular life-changing event is for you! 


– Have successfully completed all Level I Online – Each participant must have their individual account to view the RH Online Essentials Course, either purchased in person or purchased by someone for them. This is how its completion is monitored. Group or family views are welcome and encouraged, but only the account owner is eligible for a Catalyst Weekend.

– Having received a Reconnective Healing session facilitated by a Reconnective Healing Professional (RHFP-HR Foundational Practitioner). *

  • There will be the possibility of facilitating presential Reconnective Healing® sessions on the days and place of the event, outside of the immersion program time, as well as the Personal Reconnection. However, we recommend that you have already received your session, if possible.


After successfully completing all Level I “The Portal” and participating in the entire “The Catalyst” Weekend (Level II), participants will be offered the opportunity to Agree to our “Standards and Practice Principles”. “Those who agree to the Practice Standards will receive a Certificate of Completion, and will earn the title of Reconnective Healing Foundational Practitioner (RHFP).

An RHFP can offer and facilitate Reconnective Healing ® sessions professionally, and may choose to participate in our Global Directory of Professionals.

If you are thinking of becoming a Reconnective Healing® Practitioner, we invite you to read the Standards of Practice carefully. These are part of a professional ethic that has been developed over the course of 25 years of study, discovery and worldwide experience of Reconnective Healing® frequencies, and the scientific evidence that has been obtained. For any clarification, do not hesitate to contact us.

RHFPs are also eligible for further training in the future, and participate in the Personal Reconnection® (Level III) Professional Certification Program, where they learn to facilitate Personal Reconnection®.

Completion of these programs gives you no license to teach. Only Dr. Eric Pearl, Co-Instructor Jillian Fleer, or members of Reconnective Academy International can teach this work.



28 - 29 Mai 2022


9:30 - 18:30


1,499 CHF


Guglielmo Poli
Guglielmo Poli

Reconnective Healing Foundation Practitioner, Reconnection-zertifizierter Praktiker, Mentore, Lehrassistent, Istruttore Associato, Teamcoach, Co-Direktor des internationalen Teams

Weitere Veranstalter

Cristina Ramalho
Cristina Ramalho